
It is a convenient and effective way to improve your language skills. You can choose your own schedule and learning goals. You can also get personalized feedback and guidance from a native speaker. Online one-on-one Chinese language learning can help you overcome your shyness, practice your speaking, and learn about different cultures.

Course features 課程特色

Course Topics

第一冊 Book 1第二冊 Book 2第三冊 Book 3第四冊 Book 4第五冊 Book 5第六冊 Book 6第七冊 Book 7
1個人資料與家庭(Personal and family information)新同學 The New Classmate認識新朋友
Meeting New Friends
我的夢想 My Dream好久不見 Haven’t Seen You in Ages!畢業以後呢?新時代的親子關係愛情無國界
2日常生活(Daily life)你幾點去學校? What Time Do You Go to School?我得做家事
I Have to Do Housework
便利商店真方便 Convenience Stores Are So Convenient!到銀行辦事 Running Errands - To the Bank該不該罷工?真新聞?假新聞?極簡生活
3購物與商業行為 (Shopping and Business Behavior)買生日禮物 Buying Birthday Gifts我要租房子
I Want to Rent a House
貨比三家不吃虧 It Won’t Hurt to Shop Around網路購物停看聽 Online Shopping電子商務商機多聰明的投資理財跨國企業
4飲食與文化 (Food and Culture)你要咖啡還是茶? Would You Like to Have Coffee or Tea?逛夜市真有趣 It’s Fun to Go to the Night Market孩子滿月了 One Month Old飲一口好茶 Sip a Cup of Tea心滿意足的一餐飲食與養生之道「美」食主義
5居住與環境 (Housing and Environment)我的錢包在哪裡? Where Is My Wallet?歡迎到我家來玩 Welcome to My House地震和颱風 Earthquakes and Typhoons資源回收你我他 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle我們只有一個地球全球暖化「種」一棟房子
6休閒與娛樂 (Leisure and Entertainment)週末去打網球吧! Letʼs Play Tennis This Weekend!我們去KTV唱歌吧! Letʼs Go to KTV to Sing!休閒新生活 Balanced Work and Leisure看演唱會樂趣多 Good Time at the Concert分秒必爭的電競遊戲走入書中的世界冒險去天地有大美
7旅行與交通 (Travel and Transportation)怎麼到飯店去? How Do We Get to the Hotel?坐火車到花蓮去旅行 Traveling to Hualien by Train背包客的旅行 Backpacker’s Travel全家自助旅遊去 Family Trip Abroad來一趟鐵道之旅吧!一生必去的景點帶著心啟程
8生活時尚 (Lifestyle and Fashion)這條裙子真好看 This Skirt Is Very Beautiful請給我貼紙,我要換史努比!Give Me the Stickers, please. I Want to Exchange Them for Snoopy!穿著和品味 Clothes and Taste快工作,慢生活 Work and Slow Life到底什麼才是美?中西女服的流行與改變工藝之美
9教育與學習 (Education and Learning)我的中文課 My Chinese Class你怕考試嗎? Are You Afraid of Taking Exams?誰說得念大學才有未來? Who Can Say that There Is No Future unless You are a College Graduate?放手讓孩子做自己 Do Less Parenting網路教學零距離技職學生的發展愛不分城鄉
10健康與身體照護 (Health and Body Care)最近感冒的人很多Many People Got Colds Recently下課後一起去健身吧!Letʼs Go Work Out after Class!健康檢查不麻煩Health Examinations Are Easy不幸中的大幸Fortune in Misfortune食品安全把關保險與人生享受樂齡
11人際關係 (Interpersonal Relationships)你們是怎麼認識的?How Did You Meet Each Other?你想參加哪一個社團?Which Club Would You Like to Join?網路交友要小心Be Careful when Making Online Friends辦喜事,喝喜酒Wedding Banquet那個人與那些小事性別平權公主病不是病?
12工作與社會 (Work and Society)你想做什麼工作?What Job Do You Want to Do?小職員?大老闆?A Small Clerk? A Big Boss?你有面試的經驗嗎?Do You Have Interview Experience?各行各業大家談All Walks of Life辦公空間成功人物的特質即刻救援
13科技與創新 (Technology and Innovation)用手機上網Get on the Internet with a Cell Phone我要買筆電I Want to Buy a Laptop雲端科技真便利Cloud Technology Is Really Convenient參觀機器人科技展To the Robot Expo網路與生活科技的潛力與問題訂製一個「它」
14節慶與習俗 (Festivals and Customs)跨年活動New Year’s Eve Celebration年年有「魚」Fish on the Dish, Abundance Year after Year七夕情人節的故事The Story of the Double Seventh Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day)做月餅,慶中秋Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival看花燈過元宵飲水思源祭中元文學中的端午
15歷史與人文 (History and Humanities)十二生肖The Chinese Animal Zodiac孔子不知道的事The Thing that Confucius Did Not Know去淡水參觀古蹟Visit the Historic Sites in Tamsui到臺北故宮一遊At the Taipei National Palace Museum台灣之光:李安從台灣電影看台灣文化字裡乾坤
16地理與國際眺望 (Geography and International Outlook)在台灣旅行Traveling in Taiwan世界各國的朋友 Friends from All Over the World愛惜食物從你我做起 Cherishing Food Starts with You and Me看奧運,聊體育 Watching the Olympics世界人口大爆炸治安危機無國界世界遺產

Online Private Chinese Course Packages (1-2 Persons)

1.5 or 2 hour lessons

● 1-ON-1 ●

NT$ 12000
NT$ 1000 per hour

Valid for 8 weeks



NT$ 9000per person

NT$ 750 per hour/person


● 1-ON-1 ●

NT$ 22800
NT$ 950 per hour

Valid for 16 weeks

SAVE 5% 


NT$ 17100per person

NT$ 713 per hour/person


● 1-ON-1 ●

NT$ 43200
NT$ 900 per hour

Valid for 32 weeks

SAVE 10% 


NT$ 32400per person

NT$ 675 per hour/person

Please check the available time slots before scheduling a course


Any Questions?

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中文基礎 Fundamental Chinese for Beginners
 第一課 新同學
 Lesson 1 The New Classmate
第二課 你幾點去學校?
Lesson 2 What Time Do You Go to School?
第三課 買生日禮物
Lesson 3 Buying Birthday Gifts
第四課 你要咖啡還是茶?
Lesson 4 Would You Like to Have Coffee or Tea?
第五課 我的錢包在哪裡?
Lesson 5 Where Is My Wallet?
第六課 週末去打網球吧!
Lesson 6 Letʼs Play Tennis This Weekend!
第七課 怎麼到飯店去?
Lesson 7 How Do We Get to the Hotel?
第八課 這條裙子真好看
Lesson 8 This Skirt Is Very Beautiful
第九課 我的中文課
Lesson 9 My Chinese Class
第十課 最近感冒的人很多
Lesson 10 Many People Got Colds Recently
第十一課 你們是怎麼認識的?
Lesson 11 How Did You Meet Each Other?
第十二課 你想做什麼工作?
Lesson 12 What Job Do You Want to Do?
第十三課 用手機上網
Lesson 13 Get on the Internet with a Cell Phone
第十四課 跨年活動
Lesson 14 New Year’s Eve Celebration
第十五課 十二生肖
Lesson 15 The Chinese Animal Zodiac
第十六課 在台灣旅行
Lesson 16 Traveling in Taiwan