It is a convenient and effective way to improve your language skills. You can choose your own schedule and learning goals. You can also get personalized feedback and guidance from a native speaker. Online one-on-one Chinese language learning can help you overcome your shyness, practice your speaking, and learn about different cultures.
Course features 課程特色
Course Topics
Course Topics
課別 Lesson | 領域主題 Topic | 第一冊 Book 1 | 第二冊 Book 2 | 第三冊 Book 3 | 第四冊 Book 4 | 第五冊 Book 5 | 第六冊 Book 6 | 第七冊 Book 7 |
1 | 個人資料與家庭(Personal and family information) | 新同學 The New Classmate | 認識新朋友 Meeting New Friends | 我的夢想 My Dream | 好久不見 Haven’t Seen You in Ages! | 畢業以後呢? | 新時代的親子關係 | 愛情無國界 |
2 | 日常生活(Daily life) | 你幾點去學校? What Time Do You Go to School? | 我得做家事 I Have to Do Housework | 便利商店真方便 Convenience Stores Are So Convenient! | 到銀行辦事 Running Errands - To the Bank | 該不該罷工? | 真新聞?假新聞? | 極簡生活 |
3 | 購物與商業行為 (Shopping and Business Behavior) | 買生日禮物 Buying Birthday Gifts | 我要租房子 I Want to Rent a House | 貨比三家不吃虧 It Won’t Hurt to Shop Around | 網路購物停看聽 Online Shopping | 電子商務商機多 | 聰明的投資理財 | 跨國企業 |
4 | 飲食與文化 (Food and Culture) | 你要咖啡還是茶? Would You Like to Have Coffee or Tea? | 逛夜市真有趣 It’s Fun to Go to the Night Market | 孩子滿月了 One Month Old | 飲一口好茶 Sip a Cup of Tea | 心滿意足的一餐 | 飲食與養生之道 | 「美」食主義 |
5 | 居住與環境 (Housing and Environment) | 我的錢包在哪裡? Where Is My Wallet? | 歡迎到我家來玩 Welcome to My House | 地震和颱風 Earthquakes and Typhoons | 資源回收你我他 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle | 我們只有一個地球 | 全球暖化 | 「種」一棟房子 |
6 | 休閒與娛樂 (Leisure and Entertainment) | 週末去打網球吧! Letʼs Play Tennis This Weekend! | 我們去KTV唱歌吧! Letʼs Go to KTV to Sing! | 休閒新生活 Balanced Work and Leisure | 看演唱會樂趣多 Good Time at the Concert | 分秒必爭的電競遊戲 | 走入書中的世界冒險去 | 天地有大美 |
7 | 旅行與交通 (Travel and Transportation) | 怎麼到飯店去? How Do We Get to the Hotel? | 坐火車到花蓮去旅行 Traveling to Hualien by Train | 背包客的旅行 Backpacker’s Travel | 全家自助旅遊去 Family Trip Abroad | 來一趟鐵道之旅吧! | 一生必去的景點 | 帶著心啟程 |
8 | 生活時尚 (Lifestyle and Fashion) | 這條裙子真好看 This Skirt Is Very Beautiful | 請給我貼紙,我要換史努比!Give Me the Stickers, please. I Want to Exchange Them for Snoopy! | 穿著和品味 Clothes and Taste | 快工作,慢生活 Work and Slow Life | 到底什麼才是美? | 中西女服的流行與改變 | 工藝之美 |
9 | 教育與學習 (Education and Learning) | 我的中文課 My Chinese Class | 你怕考試嗎? Are You Afraid of Taking Exams? | 誰說得念大學才有未來? Who Can Say that There Is No Future unless You are a College Graduate? | 放手讓孩子做自己 Do Less Parenting | 網路教學零距離 | 技職學生的發展 | 愛不分城鄉 |
10 | 健康與身體照護 (Health and Body Care) | 最近感冒的人很多Many People Got Colds Recently | 下課後一起去健身吧!Letʼs Go Work Out after Class! | 健康檢查不麻煩Health Examinations Are Easy | 不幸中的大幸Fortune in Misfortune | 食品安全把關 | 保險與人生 | 享受樂齡 |
11 | 人際關係 (Interpersonal Relationships) | 你們是怎麼認識的?How Did You Meet Each Other? | 你想參加哪一個社團?Which Club Would You Like to Join? | 網路交友要小心Be Careful when Making Online Friends | 辦喜事,喝喜酒Wedding Banquet | 那個人與那些小事 | 性別平權 | 公主病不是病? |
12 | 工作與社會 (Work and Society) | 你想做什麼工作?What Job Do You Want to Do? | 小職員?大老闆?A Small Clerk? A Big Boss? | 你有面試的經驗嗎?Do You Have Interview Experience? | 各行各業大家談All Walks of Life | 辦公空間 | 成功人物的特質 | 即刻救援 |
13 | 科技與創新 (Technology and Innovation) | 用手機上網Get on the Internet with a Cell Phone | 我要買筆電I Want to Buy a Laptop | 雲端科技真便利Cloud Technology Is Really Convenient | 參觀機器人科技展To the Robot Expo | 網路與生活 | 科技的潛力與問題 | 訂製一個「它」 |
14 | 節慶與習俗 (Festivals and Customs) | 跨年活動New Year’s Eve Celebration | 年年有「魚」Fish on the Dish, Abundance Year after Year | 七夕情人節的故事The Story of the Double Seventh Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day) | 做月餅,慶中秋Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival | 看花燈過元宵 | 飲水思源祭中元 | 文學中的端午 |
15 | 歷史與人文 (History and Humanities) | 十二生肖The Chinese Animal Zodiac | 孔子不知道的事The Thing that Confucius Did Not Know | 去淡水參觀古蹟Visit the Historic Sites in Tamsui | 到臺北故宮一遊At the Taipei National Palace Museum | 台灣之光:李安 | 從台灣電影看台灣文化 | 字裡乾坤 |
16 | 地理與國際眺望 (Geography and International Outlook) | 在台灣旅行Traveling in Taiwan | 世界各國的朋友 Friends from All Over the World | 愛惜食物從你我做起 Cherishing Food Starts with You and Me | 看奧運,聊體育 Watching the Olympics | 世界人口大爆炸 | 治安危機無國界 | 世界遺產 |