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HI! I'm 張筱艾 Zhāng Xiǎo'ài
I'm the founder of this website and a Mandarin teacher with over a 10-year of experience. My mission? To make learning Chinese not just efficient, but fun too! I want more learners to enjoy their Chinese learning journey, fall in love with the language, and get to know Taiwan's vibrant culture along the way! 😊
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關於我 About Me
◆網站建立者以及華語教師-The Web founder and Chinese teacher
◆超過十年的教學經驗-More than 10 years teaching experience
◆中文系及華研所畢業-BA in Chinese Language and Literature and MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
◆取得教育部對外華語教學能力認證-Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language – Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan)
◆取得國小教師證-Elementary school Teacher certificate – Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan)
◆多年於大學的華語中心的教學經驗-Several years of teaching experience at language centers.
◆於大學部擔任講師-Taught Chinese teacher training courses at the university.

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中文基礎 Fundamental Chinese for Beginners
 第一課 新同學
 Lesson 1 The New Classmate
第二課 你幾點去學校?
Lesson 2 What Time Do You Go to School?
第三課 買生日禮物
Lesson 3 Buying Birthday Gifts
第四課 你要咖啡還是茶?
Lesson 4 Would You Like to Have Coffee or Tea?
第五課 我的錢包在哪裡?
Lesson 5 Where Is My Wallet?
第六課 週末去打網球吧!
Lesson 6 Letʼs Play Tennis This Weekend!
第七課 怎麼到飯店去?
Lesson 7 How Do We Get to the Hotel?
第八課 這條裙子真好看
Lesson 8 This Skirt Is Very Beautiful
第九課 我的中文課
Lesson 9 My Chinese Class
第十課 最近感冒的人很多
Lesson 10 Many People Got Colds Recently
第十一課 你們是怎麼認識的?
Lesson 11 How Did You Meet Each Other?
第十二課 你想做什麼工作?
Lesson 12 What Job Do You Want to Do?
第十三課 用手機上網
Lesson 13 Get on the Internet with a Cell Phone
第十四課 跨年活動
Lesson 14 New Year’s Eve Celebration
第十五課 十二生肖
Lesson 15 The Chinese Animal Zodiac
第十六課 在台灣旅行
Lesson 16 Traveling in Taiwan